Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Flannigan's return

Greetings fellow warriors of parchment and terra firma. As my first addition to this blog I would like to extend my warmest memories to share with the two of my most trusted advisors....

Never have I been more proud in my days of young than one night as we were finishing a game of predator down at the reeds near tuttles point. That night I recieved an eery feeling, and being the youngest and thus the most easily frightened of the three of us, I humbly requested to be escorted back to the homestead by one of my brothers. Being pre-occupied with hunting multiple soldiers, Nathaniel was passed over as an option. Unfortunitely, I then had to go to my secondary option, my tormenting, neglected and vengeful middle brother, even though I knew what his answer would be. After a heartfilled and truly unsympathetic laughing fit, he prompted my retreat with a hasty "Hell no you little prick," and thus I carried on.

Now I may not have braved the mines of the dwarves or the armies of mordor, but I tell you I outwitted some fierce enemies and traveled with great celerity through the dark night. I thwarted the dark raccoons from the porches....and some other shit.

I made it back home to where mother cleaning in the kitchen. I bragged without hesitation about my travels and equal bravery. I could tell she admired it, even though it is her job not to show emotion. After a hug, I was quick to remember to ask my mother, "Mom, whats a prick?" She replied with great anger "Who taught you that word?!" and without wasting any time, "Devin did."

Not one to take soiling the mind of a child lightly, Devin was locked away in his chambers upon his return.




Nayt said...

Hilarious. That was probably the most intense game of Predator ever. It was nerve-racking for everyone, including me. I kept thinking I was going to run into an actual dead body. I learned a new word thanks to you, Morgan. Celerity. Never heard that one before. Excellent.

Incuhed said...

I do not recall said events. There were several encounters at the Tuttles. I think you, to quote Rodger Clemens, 'misremember'. "BE RIGHT THERE BUD!" is what i can muster up.

Damn I was nasty...Damn that's funny