Thursday, February 28, 2008

The first entry from Piatt



This is a good spot to throw up memories and ideas to ponder. Just a quick note from me to acknowledge this blogspot and voice my approval. Will return.

Random Mulberrian observation: I feel like I've seen the essence of Duffy in the faces of dozens. He seemed to have a ubiquitous mug. He looked like more people than anyone I can think of.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The New Years Eve of 2007

Not caught on tape, but one of the most memorable parts of this night was observing drunk Bryce stuck to a spot on the lower balcony; He was so wasted that I was able to get him to argue the opposite of what he was initially saying within 20 seconds. I feared for his life that night.

Important Infographics


I created this account with the email address:

If you were to log into yahoo itself with that email address, that email's password is: